Thursday, January 26, 2017

Does your toothbrush need to be replaced?

            The Today Show recently discussed six common household items that likely need to be replaced more regularly than we usually do. They discuss more frequent replacement of mattresses, running shoes, kitchen sponges, bath towels, eye makeup, and your toothbrush. For our purposes today, we will discuss when to replace your toothbrush (or toothbrush head for electric brushes) and why it is important.
            Many people only replace their toothbrush when they come in for their semi-annual cleaning and exam. It is easy and convenient to do because we always send you home with a new toothbrush. However, every six months is usually not frequent enough. We typically recommend a new toothbrush every three or four months. As the brush head becomes frayed it is less affective, and for most brushing styles this is a good time frame. If you are ever unsure how often you should replace yours, we recommend you bring in your toothbrush for us to examine.
            Toothbrushes can be a mechanism for bacteria or viruses to spread. After having a cold or the flu, we recommend replacing your toothbrush. Even though your body should have developed resistance to that particular type of illness, your family may still be susceptible. If you share a toothbrush holder, a sink, or even bathroom with anyone else it is a good idea to start fresh after you are feeling better.
            If you check your toothbrush and the bristles are dramatically flared, don’t hesitate to get a new brush. It is a few extra dollars but can save your teeth, gums, and protect your family’s health in the long run.

For more information, visit

Lee T. Brown, DDS

Brown and Kupper, DDS

Monday, January 16, 2017

How does stress affect your teeth?

            We all deal with stress. The causes may vary, but perception is reality and we will always deal with some form of stress throughout our lives. So we need to find healthy ways to deal with or manage our stressors. If not, it could lead to health problems like irritable bowel syndrome, excessive sweating, hair loss, insomnia, fatigue, and teeth grinding.
            Research has shown a strong relationship between stress and teeth grinding (bruxism). This doesn’t mean that everyone will grind their teeth when they become more stressed, but there is an increased risk. If the bruxism is not controlled or the teeth are not protected, it can lead to headaches, jaw pain, and fractured teeth. Since we cannot control the stress in your life, our goal is to protect the teeth. The best solution is a custom made night guard.
            There are a variety of ways to make a night guard. It can be made to fit over the top teeth or the bottom teeth. It can cover all of the teeth or only a few. We recommend discussing the pros and cons of each appliance with your dentist to determine which one is best for your situation and comfort level. However, we strongly discourage the use of over the counter night guards. While they may provide a barrier between the teeth, they are more likely to cause joint problems than a custom made guard.
            A final theory on stress, health, and grinding your teeth: new studies indicate a relationship with bruxism and sleep apnea. The theory is people grind their teeth when they sleep because they have trouble breathing. If you have sleep apnea, then grind your teeth, then wake up tired with a headache, the chances of you being stressed is increased. If you have any concerns you may be snoring or sleep apnea, we recommend getting a sleep study to ensure you are being treated properly.

For more information, visit

Lee T. Brown, DDS

Brown and Kupper, DDS 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

5 More Things to Know About Your Toothbrush

  1. Toothbrushes should be left out in the open. It is not difficult to clean your toothbrush. Rinse it after brushing with tap water and then remove any remaining toothpaste or debris. Store the brush standing upright to allow it to air dry. If you store near other tooth brushes, do your best to make sure they are separated to prevent contamination between them. Unless you are traveling, try not to store them in closed containers. A moist environment is more favorable to bacterial growth.

  1. The lifespan of a toothbrush is only 3-4 months. Many people only replace their brushes (or brush heads for electric toothbrushes) when they see the dentist for their cleaning and exam. That is usually every 6 months. A toothbrush that is worn or frayed is less effective. You should also replace your toothbrush after you have been sick to prevent cross contamination.

  1. When choosing a toothbrush, always go soft. It doesn’t matter if you use a manual or electric toothbrush, you should not pick a brush with firm or medium strength bristles. A firm toothbrush can damage your gums or tooth. Remember: you only need to scrub hard enough to clean the film off of your teeth. Let the fluoride toothpaste do the rest. This can save you a lot of time and money in the future.

  1. 2 minutes, 2 times a day. If you take the time to brush your teeth with correct technique and for the right amount of time, you will see a big improvement. Think of this time as an investment in your smile and a way to save yourself money in the long run.

  1. Don’t share your toothbrush. Sharing a brush can lead to sharing germs and bacteria. This is one situation where sharing isn’t a good thing to practice or preach.

For more information, visit

Lee T. Brown, DDS

Brown and Kupper, DDS Inc.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

5 Things To Know About Your Toothbrush:

  1. Be sure to look for the ADA seal of approval when selecting your toothbrush. The ADA stands for the American Dental Association and is the gold standard in toothbrush quality. It is the most predictable way to know if your toothbrush will hold up to normal wear and tear, and if it will work effectively when brushing with proper technique.

  1. The toothbrush was invented over 5,000 years ago. Ancient civilizations used variations of a ‘chew stick’ to remove food from their teeth. Originally, it wasn’t much more than a think twig with one end frayed. Over time, they developed to have stiff bristles from animals on one end. The modern toothbrush, which has nylon bristles, was invented in 1938.

  1. The first mass-produced toothbrush was invented in prison. In 1770, an English man cleaned the teeth of fellow prisoners using a rag covered in soot or salt to clean their teeth. It eventually developed into a toothbrush with bristles, and after his release from prison he started a company to manufacture his toothbrush. The company still exists in the United Kingdom today.

  1. Manual or Powered Toothbrush? When your toothbrush is used properly and for the right amount of time, either type of toothbrush can work well. But if you are unsure whether you actually brush for the full 2 minutes, you should use a timer or a brush with a timer. If you have been told you brush too hard, then I would use an electric brush to avoid the scrubbing motion. Bottom line: an electric toothbrush is the safer play.

  1. There is no correct order to brushing and flossing. We often receive questions about whether you should brush or floss first. It usually doesn’t matter if you are using proper technique. But if you have larger spaces between your teeth that tend to catch larger pieces of food, I may recommend flossing and clearing the larger debris before brushing.

For more information, visit

Lee T. Brown, DDS

Brown and Kupper, DDS