Dental Myth:
If it doesn’t hurt, you don’t need to fix it
can be tricky. They can be difficult to diagnose in certain areas and it can be
challenging to predict how large they will be. After a filling is completed, it
can be just as difficult to predict whether or not the tooth will become
sensitive. And there are still many people out there who think that a cavity or
a crack on a tooth doesn’t need to be fixed until it breaks or becomes
symptomatic. Let’s talk about some of the risks in waiting for a tooth to hurt.
The deep grooves and fissures of the teeth are the most
common areas for us to find cavities beginning to develop. We use clinical
exams, a dental explorer, and even specialized cameras to identify problem
areas in their earliest stages. If we waited until you had sensitivity to hot
or cold drinks to diagnose and treat the areas, the tooth decay would be beyond
its incipient stage. And the deeper the cavity, the higher the risk of
sensitivity and possible root canal treatment. By maintaining regular cleanings
and exams, it allows us to help diagnose and treat these areas early and
improve your prognosis.
Dental Myth:
If I can’t see the cavity, it isn’t that big.
Many cavities can grow quite large and even infect the
nerve of the tooth before they are visible. A cavity can begin as a microscopic
opening in the enamel (outer layer) and spread into the dentin (inner layer).
It can then quietly grow larger within the tooth, and sometimes infect the
nerve without any symptoms. In these situations, we rely on x-rays to help us
diagnose and treat the cavities. Regular exams and x-rays are sometimes our
only way to find these areas before they grow into much larger and more
expensive problems.
For more information, visit
Lee T. Brown, DDS
Brown and Kupper, DDS
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