- Why are baby teeth so important?
- They help your child speak and chew normally.
They also help hold spaces for the subsequent adult teeth.
- When should they have all of their baby teeth?
- Most children will have all of their baby teeth
by the age of three
- Should I be worried about the spacing in my
child’s teeth?
- Spaces between baby teeth are normal.
- How much toothpaste should my child use?
- Use a soft bristled, child sized toothbrush and
use a grain of rice sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.
- When should I begin flossing my child’s teeth?
- As soon as they have two teeth that touch.
- Teething tips:
- Gently rub your child’s gums with a clean wet
piece of gauze, your finger, or a small cool spoon.
- Use a clean, chilled teeth ring and don’t dip in
sugar or other foods. This can cause tooth decay.
- Talk to you pediatrician or dentist if they are
still uncomfortable
- Do not use topical gels or creams with
anesthetics (Orajel or Baby Orajel) to help with sore gums in young kids.
In a small number of children they have caused serious reactions.
- Prevent Tooth Decay in Baby Teeth
- Clean their teeth two times per day, every day
- If they use a pacifier, do not dip in sugar or
- Do not put pacifiers or spoons in your mouth to clean
them before giving them to your children. Decay causing bacteria can be
passed to your child.
- Do not let them sip sugary drinks regularly.
Limit these to mealtimes.
- Do not put infants to bed with a bottle
containing milk, formula, fruit juices, or any liquids with sugar.
- Avoid sugary snacks and try healthy snacks.
For more information, visit www.dentistwestchester.com.
Lee T. Brown, DDS
Brown and Kupper, DDS Inc.