when parents make every effort to protect their children from accidents, they
still happen. But what should you do if they suffer trauma to their teeth?
Depending on the severity of the injury, there are some different options to
consider and below we will discuss some simple signs and symptoms to look for.
a child has a baby tooth knocked completely out of the jaw, we typically don’t recommend
having the tooth reimplanted since they will eventually be replaced by the permanent
teeth. However, if a permanent tooth is knocked out, the goal is to reimplant
it as quickly as possible. As soon the injury occurs, you should try to keep
the tooth moist by placing it into milk or clean water as an alternative. Then
immediately call your dentist because their goal will be to place the tooth
back into the socket as quickly as possible. The sooner the tooth is replaced
into its original socket, the greater the chance of retaining the tooth. If the tooth has been cleaned in milk or water
and you feel confident about placing the tooth back correctly into the socket,
be sure you still see the dentist as soon as possible.
the tooth is knocked loose but not completely out of the socket, your first
call should again be to your dentist. We would look to see if the tooth needs
to be realigned back into its proper position and stabilize the area. Many
times we will need to anesthetize the area before moving the tooth back to
avoid additional pain and discomfort. If the tooth is very loose, we will need
to temporarily splint it to the adjacent teeth during healing and allow the
bone to tighten around the tooth.
many cases of trauma, the injured teeth will eventually need root canal
treatment to eliminate any pain or infection. Depending on the damage to the
crown of the tooth, the affected tooth may also need a dental crown to protect
against further harm or fracturing of the remaining structure. However, even if
every instruction is followed perfectly, the tooth may still eventually be lost
or non-restorable. Unless there is very serious trauma that requires you to go
to the emergency room, try to contact you dentist as quickly as possible to
help increase the chances of saving your child’s tooth after an injury to the
front teeth.
For more questions, visit us at www.brownandkupper.com.
Lee T. Brown, DDS
Brown and Kupper, DDS Inc.
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